CLIQUEZ SUR LE CLIP CI-DESSUS POUR REGARDER LA COUPURE DE PRESSE SUR LA VISITE DU SYNATRA AU TOGO Du 26 au 27 Août 2015, le Syndicat National des Travailleurs et Travailleuses Autonomes du Secteur Informel du Niger (SYNATRA) a effectué… Continue Reading →
CLICK VIDEO ABOVE TO WATCH NEWS CLIP ABOUT SYNATRA’S VISIT TO TOGO From 26th to 27th August 2015, Niger’s National Union of Informal Transport Workers (SYNATRA) made a work visit to Togo’s Federation of Transport Workers (FESYTRAT). The visit… Continue Reading →
Le Syndicat National des Travailleuses et Travailleurs de l’Economie Informelle (SYNATRA), a organisé les 1er, 02 et 03 août 2015, des activités dans le cadre des accords de partenariat avec l’Internationale des Travailleurs du Transport (ITF) ; les activités comprennent… Continue Reading →
From 1-3 August, a training workshop for informal transport workers took place in Maradi, Niger. The workshop was organised by SYNATRA – the National Union of Informal Economy Workers, Niger – as part of their mentoring programme for unions working… Continue Reading →
During the project’s mid-term meeting in Kathmandu, some of the meeting participants took part in video interviews. In these interviews, representatives from mentor unions talked about their unions, and reflected on their experience of organising informal workers in their… Continue Reading →
The ITF Informal Transport Workers’ Project successfully held its mid-term meeting from 25-27 February in Kathmandu, Nepal. The meeting brought together representatives from the project’s mentor unions in Nepal, Colombia, Uganda, Niger, and the Philippines to share their experiences… Continue Reading →
Several project participants talked about their project work at the 2014 ITF Congress held in Sofia in August. Souley Zeinabou Habou Barba from the SYNATRA union in Niger has kindly shared the statement which she made at Congress with the… Continue Reading →
Plusieurs participants au projet ont parlé de leur travail à 2014 Congrès de l’ITF qui a eu lieu à Sofia en Août. Souley Zeinabou Habou Barba du syndicat SYNATRA (Niger) a gentiment partagé la déclaration qu’elle a fait au Congrès avec le… Continue Reading →
The Informal Transport Workers’ Project: Report of Activities 2013-14 is now available to download: This report gives an overview of the project, its activities and what has been learned in its first year, 2013-14. As ever, those involved… Continue Reading →
The Informal Transport Workers Project had a high profile at last week’s ITF 43rd Congress in Sofia, Bulgaria. Most of the project’s… Continue Reading →
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