An educational booklet for trade unions on organising informal workers in the passenger transport industry. Available in English, French and Spanish and under project materials.
The new film "The Power of Informal Transport Workers" shows how informal transport workers across the world are organising in trade unions to fight back against precarious and dangerous workin...
Descargar: Informe de evaluación: Resumen ejecutivo, C Bonner [2016] “En general, los resultados del Proyecto han excedido las expectativas, ya que se consiguió el resultado que se había previsto y otros que no se habían anticipado. Cabe destacar cómo se… Continue Reading →
Télécharger: Rapport d’ Évaluation: Résumé analytique, C Bonner [2016] “En général, les résultats du projet ont dépassé les attentes, atteignant les objectifs fixés et d’autres inattendus. Il convient de noter la mise en exergue des priorités actuelles de l’ITF, comme… Continue Reading →
“Organising in the Informal Economy is our Future” Mac Urata, ITF Inland Transport Section Secretary The Evaluation Report of the ITF Informal Workers Project, 2013-16, is now available to download here: Evaluation Report: ITF Informal Transport Workers Project 2013-16… Continue Reading →
Road and rail unions worldwide were out in force during this year’s ITF Action Week, held from 3 – 9th October. The need for labour rights for informal workers was the focus on 5th October, and unions, including many associated… Continue Reading →
Click above to watch video interviews During the Project Evaluation Workshop held in Kampala, Uganda, from 26-28th July 2016, a number of participants kindly took part in short video interviews. In these interviews, trade union leaders from Colombia and Kenya… Continue Reading →
[Traducción por Google – version original en Inglés aqui] Afiliadas a la ITF ha aprobado por unanimidad una Carta de los informales Trabajadores del Transporte en la conclusión del Taller de Evaluación del Proyecto de los trabajadores informales de la… Continue Reading →
[Google Traduction – original en anglais ici] Affiliés de l’ITF adopté à l’unanimité une Charte des travailleurs informels de transport à la fin de l’atelier d’évaluation de l’ITF informel Projet des travailleurs, tenue à Kampala, 26-28 Juillet ici 2016. La… Continue Reading →
ITF affiliates unanimously adopted an Informal Transport Workers’ Charter at the conclusion of the Evaluation Workshop of the ITF Informal Workers Project, held in Kampala, 26-28 July 2016. The Charter sets out a series of demands for basic rights, recognition,… Continue Reading →
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