The ITF Africa regional leadership seminar, as part of the global ITF informal transport workers’ project started today, with a visit to two important bus and taxi stations in Niamey (Niger). The visits allowed participants to talk to informal workers about their issues, their employment relationships, their working conditions, their bargaining counterparts, and how they are organised. The 2-day seminar brings together participants from 13 countries (Burkina Faso, Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea-Conakry, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, Uganda, Zambia) and will provide opportunity for an exchange of experiences on successful strategies for organisation and representation of informal transport workers.
27/03/2014 at 3:58 pm
Today included an excellent discussion on “Who do we organise, how and why?” – looking at the implications for unions’ membership, leadership, constitution, education and training needs, and services offered. The central point of discussion was around the question of ‘micro-employers’ – owners of two or three minibuses, for example. Should they be included in the union? Should the union help these employers establish their own organisations?
The discussion revealed that unions have several different ways of tackling the issue.
01/04/2014 at 11:24 pm
le seminaire s’est terminé sur une note de satisfaction de la part des participents que de la part des organisateurs ainsi que du staff
les échanges fructueus ont permis durant tous les deux jours a tous les participants de prendre l ampleur de la tache qui nous attens
ont aussi acquit des connaissances sur les travailleurs informels leurs lieux de travail leurs relations de travail leurs problemes et leurs interlocuteus
je profite pour presenter a tous et a toutes mes remerciemments a tous les participants et a tout le staff pour leurs disponibilités
souley zeinabou synatra syndicat mentor afrique de l ouest