ITF organising informal transport workers



Events catagory

Our right to flush! Transport workers need safe access to toilets

The lack of safe access to decent toilets and other sanitation facilities has a substantial impact on the health and safety of men and women transport workers. We will be discussing the impact of the denial of this basic human… Continue Reading →

Nairobi women matatu workers strengthen leadership

Women who work as conductors and clerks in Nairobi’s informal matatu industry came together last week to strengthen women’s leadership in responding to bus rapid transport (BRT). The ITF women’s leadership training workshop, from 4-6 October, brought together 15 women… Continue Reading →

Now available: Report on NCTU – IDEA exchange visit, Phnom Penh

  The NCTU – IDEA Exchange Visit took place from 1st – 6th August 2015. The visit brought a delegation of five NCTU members to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to meet with members, leaders and staff of the informal worker union,… Continue Reading →

Now available: Report on ATGWU Capacity Building Workshop, Kampala

  The ATGWU Capacity Building workshop was held in Kampala, Uganda, from 13-17th July 2015. The workshop was organised and hosted by the Amalgamated Transport & General Workers’ Union, Uganda (ATGWU) and brought together 15 participants from Uganda, Kenya and… Continue Reading →

CAMBODIA: Chum Chamm (IDEA) talks about police harassment of informal workers

Click video above to watch interview with Chum Chamm, Project Officer for the Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Associations (IDEA), Cambodia. In this interview, Chum Chamm talks about the challenges facing informal workers in Cambodia, including the problem of police… Continue Reading →

NIGER: SYNATRA a organisé un séminaire atelier de formation des travailleurs de l’économie informelle de Maradi et de Zinder

  Le Syndicat National des Travailleuses et Travailleurs de l’Economie Informelle (SYNATRA), a organisé les 1er, 02 et 03 août 2015, des activités dans le cadre des accords de partenariat avec l’Internationale des Travailleurs du Transport (ITF) ; les activités comprennent… Continue Reading →

NIGER: SYNATRA organises training workshop for informal transport workers in Maradi & Zinder

From 1-3 August, a training workshop for informal transport workers took place in Maradi, Niger. The workshop was organised by SYNATRA – the National Union of Informal Economy Workers, Niger – as part of their mentoring programme for unions working… Continue Reading →

Disponible en español: informes de las reuniónes celebradas en Bogotá

  Aquí podrá descargarse el Informe del Seminario Regional de Liderazgo: Informe del seminario de liderazgo de latinoamérica, Bogotá [Oct 2014]   Aquí podrá descargarse el Informe del Taller Regional de Mujeres: Informe del taller regional de la mujer de… Continue Reading →

Disponible en français: Compte rendu de la réunion à mi-parcours des syndicats-mentors, Katmandou

La réunion à mi-parcours s’est tenue à Katmandou, au Népal, du 25 au 27 février 2015, et a rassemblé 20 représentants des six syndicats-mentors du proje, du personnel de l’ITF ainsi que le coordinateur du projet, le Global Labour Institute (GLI)…. Continue Reading →

Disponible en español: Informe de la reunión de sindicatos mentores de mitad de proyecto, Katmandú

La reunión de mitad de proyecto se llevó a cabo en Katmandú, Nepal, del 25 al 27 de febrero de 2015 con la participación de 20 representantes de los seis sindicatos mentores que intervienen en el proyecto. También estuvieron presentes… Continue Reading →

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