The ATGWU’s organising of informal transprot workers is highlighted in the new FES study on The Transformation of Organised Labour: Mobilising Power Resources to Confront 21st Century Capitalism. In part two on informal workers, the study shows how ‘traditional’ unions… Continue Reading →
Trade Unions in Transformation is a FES project that identifies unions’ power resources and capabilities that contribute to successful trade union action. The publication features over 20 case studies from around the world demonstrating how unions have transformed to get stronger. As part… Continue Reading →
Can technology transform worker organisations? In Uganda, ATGWU have revolutionised the age-old pencil and paper system into a modern dues-collection platform that now has a steady stream of member subscribers. Click here to find out how they’ve used a mobile… Continue Reading →
Representatives from a wide range of international and regional organisations, including three ITF unions, have met in Nairobi, Kenya, to discuss the impact of Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) on transport workers. The Institute for Development Studies, the Kenya Transport Researchers‘… Continue Reading →
The Nairobi bus rapid transit: labour impact assessment was commissioned by the ITF as part of the OUR public transport programme, which aims to “promote quality public transport and inclusive cities in Africa, including decent jobs, a just transition for informal… Continue Reading →
Women who work as conductors and clerks in Nairobi’s informal matatu industry came together last week to strengthen women’s leadership in responding to bus rapid transport (BRT). The ITF women’s leadership training workshop, from 4-6 October, brought together 15 women… Continue Reading →
The Asia Regional Women’s Workshop took place in Kathmandu from 25th – 27th June 2014. The report from this workshop is now available to download below or under the Resources heading on the blog homepage. Special thanks go out to… Continue Reading →
Many thanks to everyone who participated in the Asian Regional Leadership Seminar last month (21st-23rd May). The seminar was a great success with particular thanks going out to Jaime Aguilar and his comrades at the NCTU, the project mentor union… Continue Reading →
Le séminaire ‘Asia Regional Leadership’ organisé par ITF a été lieu hier, le 21 mai, avec le mappage des activité dans un des terminaux de les très connu «Jeepney » buses de Manille, dirigé par les travailleurs informel. Les participants de… Continue Reading →
En Afrique, l’atelier régional sur le mappage des travailleuses informelles des transports organisé à l’intention des femmes a terminé vendredi le 25 avril après trois journées très réussies de discussions, de formation, de partage d’expériences et d’activités pratiques de mappage…. Continue Reading →
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