Aquí podrá descargarse el Informe del Seminario Regional de Liderazgo: Informe del seminario de liderazgo de latinoamérica, Bogotá [Oct 2014] Aquí podrá descargarse el Informe del Taller Regional de Mujeres: Informe del taller regional de la mujer de… Continue Reading →
During the project’s mid-term meeting in Kathmandu, some of the meeting participants took part in video interviews. In these interviews, representatives from mentor unions talked about their unions, and reflected on their experience of organising informal workers in their… Continue Reading →
The Latin America Regional Women’s Workshop and Regional Leadership Seminar were held in Bogota, Colombia from 27th October to 1st November 2014. The two completed meeting reports are now available to download, following a lengthy and productive dialogue between… Continue Reading →
The ITF Informal Transport Workers’ Project successfully held its mid-term meeting from 25-27 February in Kathmandu, Nepal. The meeting brought together representatives from the project’s mentor unions in Nepal, Colombia, Uganda, Niger, and the Philippines to share their experiences… Continue Reading →
The Informal Transport Workers’ Project: Report of Activities 2013-14 is now available to download: This report gives an overview of the project, its activities and what has been learned in its first year, 2013-14. As ever, those involved… Continue Reading →
The Informal Transport Workers Project had a high profile at last week’s ITF 43rd Congress in Sofia, Bulgaria. Most of the project’s… Continue Reading →
Last minute shift changes, casual contracts, agency fees, poor wages: sound familiar? These are just some of the issues being faced by precarious workers in the transport sector. Precarious workers now make up around 50% of the transport industry workforce…. Continue Reading →
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