From November 22nd – 29th, the ATGWU mentor team of John Mark Mwanika and Stephen Abima conducted a follow-up visit to Kenya and Tanzania as part of the ATGWU informal transport worker mentoring programme for unions in East Africa.
The team visited the Public Transport Operators Union (PUTON) and the Matatu Workers’ Union (MWU) in Nairobi, Kenya and the Communication and Transport Workers’ Union of Tanzania (COTWU-T) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
One of the main objectives of the visit was for the ATGWU team to consult with PUTON, MWU and COTWU-T members about the proposed “Informal Transport Workers’ Charter” which is in the process of being drafted.
ATGWU have produced a detailed report about their visits which can be accessed here:
ATGWU Report: Mentorship follow-up visit to Kenya & Tanzania [Nov 2015]
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